
Porque no fundo no fundo o mercado editorial não tem nenhum glamour

So you say you want to know the strengths of this book well they are very similar to me actually like me the book is strong ,random, ununiformed, all over the place, exciting, inspiring at times, moody ,can piss you off, can make you fall in love ,make you a best friend, help when you need it the most and help even when you say you don’t need it and just like most people call me in my life a know it all this book is about most off my knowing’s which cannot all fit into one book but the best strengths about this book just like me is its honest , nonjudgmental ,loves everyone and wants to help everyone and everyone they know and just like me it never gives up and only wants to be happy and make people happy or happy again
 Kids, now I hope you understand the horror of what life would be like without the period.

Do sempre ótimo SlushPile Hell.

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Caracas, o cara que escreveu essa coisa toda é maluco? Realmente, glamour passou longe, mas há de haver outras boas surpresas nesse job ::))

Arruma um jeito de viajar, anna, nem que seja por alguns poucos dias, faz a maior diferença nas férias. Vai pra Natal, ainda tem vaga, e tem promoção da webjet::))
Eu vou conhecer aracaju, rapidinho, vou num pé na quinta e volto noutro no domingo, e ainda vou encontrar uma amiga por lá ::)

Anônimo disse...

Ou eu não entendi chongas do que ele diz, pode ser tb...:))